The big fat Virginity myth

Sex before marriage is just wrong”

Your first time must be special”

Did you know she lost her virginity to her ex and they aren’t together anymore

Whether we accept it or not, most of our hushed, near the watercooler conversations in college and hostel dorms did sound like this. 

While today you may choose to stay ‘Woke’, by saying you are totally cool with people losing virginity before marriage, you might still feel morally superior when you refrained from it( Well, as long as you did). 

We are brought up in a world where words like “deflowering” or “popping her cherry” or “breaking your hymen” are casually thrown around, and “losing” your virginity is a big fucking deal. We, as a society, have set virginity as a moral compass to one’s character. Especially when it comes to women. Virginity or in other words, women’s ‘purity’ has been a social currency within patriarchal societies via marriage for centuries. The unrealistic pressures, ridiculous myths and expectations surrounding the conventional idea of ‘virginity’ are very much the product of norms and ideas created by us humans. Continue reading “The big fat Virginity myth”